"Brief Montessori Introductions"
Realizing that in today's fast-paced world, many people just have time for a quick peek into what Montessori means. To meet this need Susan Mayclin Stephenson has begun a new series of books, "Brief Montessori Introductions." The first one, the cover seen here, will be available on this spring. |
Newsletters announcing books
#13 Book, Child of the World: Montessori, Global Education for Age 3-12+, March 2013
#14 Book, The Joyful Child: Montessori, Global Wisdom for Birth to Three, July 2013
#15 Book, The Universal Child, October 2013
#21 Book, No Checkmate, Montessori Chess Lessons for Age 3-90+ May 2016
#23 Book, Montessori and Mindfulness, November 2017
#25 Book, The Red Corolla, Montessori Cosmic Education (preparation in the 3-6 class), June 2019
#26 Book, Montessori Homeschooling, One Family's Story , August 2020
#27 Book, Aid to Life, Montessori Beyond the Classroom, March 2021
#28 Book, Please Help Me Do It Myself, Observation and Recordkeeping for the Montessori Primary and Elementary Class, May 2022
These books speak to anyone wanting to understand Montessori. They are based on the author's fifty years of experience as a Montessori teacher and administrator, speaker, school consultant, and examiner for Montessori teacher training courses. Some have been translated in other languages, the English versions are available from Montessori book suppliers and online.
AUTHOR'S WEBSITE, Montessori work over the years, art and international blog, SUSAN
Permission is granted to quote up to 500 words at any one time—on websites or school newsletters or social media—from any of these books, as long as a link back to the book is provided.
Other Newsletters of interest
#2 Montessori Art, Jan 2010
#3 Montessori Cultural Geography, May 2010
#4 Montessori Parenting/Teaching, Aug 2010
#5 Montessori Home Environment, Nov 2010
#6 Montessori in Sikkim, Jan 2011
#7 Montessori Math, Apr 2011
#8 All 2009-2011 Newsletters, May 2011
#9 Montessori Grace and Courtesy, Aug 2011
#10 Montessori Biology, May 2012
#11 Practical Life, Real Life, Aug 2012
#12 Happy Children for the Holidays, Dec 2012
#16 Montessori Language, Apr 2014
#17 Swaddling, Caring for Others, Authentic Montessori. Nov 2014
#18 Concentration, Where the Magic Happens!, May 2015
#19 Michael Olaf Montessori Company, Nov 2015
#20 Cosmic Education, Feb 2016
#22 The Music Environment July 2016 |
Birth to Three Development - Video Clips based on the first years stages of development
Human Development Montessori Middle school course. The Joyful Child book used as a text in a Montessori adolescent program
Montessori" A Video Explanation: Anyone can use the word "Montessori"
Maria Montessori Biography A brief overview and several pictures
Montessori FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions about Montessori education
Montessori Lectures and Articles Montessori infant information, an observation of a 3-6 class, and more
Montessori for a Prince a story of Montessori for a Prince (PDF)
AMI/USA Newsletter for 0-3 (PDF) Summer Ideas for the child, 0-3, by Susan Mayclin Stephenson
The International Montessori Index practical information
Montessori Homeschooled One Family's story, an inspiration to Montessori teachers of students from elementary through high school
Creativity Do schools kill creativity? This is a link to a talk by Sir Ken Robinson. Very insightful and entertaining! (YouTube.com)
Montessori and Waldorf Schools a comparison
About Us Michael
Olaf Montessori Company, established in 1982
Montessori Supporters and famous Montessori students PDF
Chinese Multiplication: Math through the ages is a standard research in Montessori 6-12 classes. Here is a video of an ancient variation.
FOOD - teach every child about food, a very important TED talk
A Christmas Prayer for the Earth includes original lyrics and music and pictures from Susan's Montessori work around the world. |