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Child Development Stages From Birth to Three Years
Materials and Video Clips

Concentration: The first essential for the child's development is concentration.
The child who concentrates is immensely happy.
— Maria Montessori, MD

NOTE After watching the videos on this page on the YouTube channel, you will be directed, by YouTube (trying to be helpful) to a random series of videos that have nothing to do with this site, and that we do not recommend,

Filling a home with expensive toys is not necessary. Children want to carry out activities that they see the other family members doing. In the Montessori 0-3 infant community they see other children playing with the special early Montessori materials so they want to imitate, but in the home, the best thing parents can do is to make a space in every room of the home, a low and safe shelf and cupboard, and place everyday household items there. Then young children will feel like they are participating with the work of the family.

Developmental Stage Video Clips

The Montessori 0-3 Overview

Age 0-3 home page: birth-three

Age 0-1 page: first year

Age 1-2 page: second year

Age 2-3 page: third year

Ages and stages are different from child to child, each person unique. Our role is to prepare the environment, study the child, give clear lessons, step back and support exploration and concentration, and then to observe the miracle of concentration on self-chosen activities and the resulting happiness and compassion toward others.

Middle School Human Development Course
This book is the text for the Human Development curriculum for Montessori Middle schools:
Human Development Course

All of our staff watched the clips and were truly touched by them; I can hardly find words to describe the wonders of seeing a small baby having such a productive communication with his mother. Studying your website and catalogs helped me shape my understanding of the 0-3 approach and curriculum.
—Valentina Zaytseva, Administrator, Moscow Montessori, Russia . . .MORE FEEDBACK

I am continually enthralled by the videos you post on your website. The international students on the 0-3 and 0-6 courses and parents I encounter continually oooh and ahhh over them and are amazed at the concentration, the independence, the abilities of such tiny children. Thank you for your continued work for the child under three.
Judi Orion, AMI 0-6 and 3-6 teacher trainer, and Head of Pedagogy for The Association Montessori Internationale

SHARING THIS SITE: This site is being used in Montessori teacher training courses at all levels, and by schools to help parents discover the amazing potential of the young child, or to prepare families for future Montessori education. Please feel free to link it to any educational site and to share it. These developmental video clips and the accompanying information is being used all over the world, including the countries of Colombia, Peru, Mexico Russia, Japan, Indonesia, Turkey, Finland, France, Italy, Australia, Albania, Chile, South Africa, China, India, Pakistan, Ireland, Switzerland, Romania, and Canada and more. They are being shared by teachers, doulas, university professors, grandparents, artists, physicians and others.

MICHAEL OLAF Montessori information MICHAEL OLAF


The main Michael Olaf page has interesting information about Montessori in general:


Books in the "First Montessori Books" series that contain Birth to Three information:

Aid to Life, Montessori Beyond the Classroom

The Joyful Child: Montessori, Global Wisdom for Birth to Three

The Universal Child

AUTHOR'S WEBSITE, Montessori work over the years, art and international blog, SUSAN

Updated on May 1, 2022