Tibetan Children's Villages, Northern India

Many people have asked how they, or their students, can help the Montessori students of the exile communities of Tibetans living in India.

These pages have been created to share information about the life of the children who have escaped from Tibet (now considered by the Chinese government to be a part of China) to the exile communities of India, and how we can help them. Here you will find a brief history of the TCV, a few pictures and excerpts from Susan's emails sent home during her travels, and specific information on participating in the Michael Olaf Tibetan Children's Village Project.

At the right, one of the Montessori 3-6 classes in Dharamsala, India

For a brief history of The Tibetan Children's Villages (TCV), click here: TCVhistory

For information on SPONSORING A CHILD, and on donation suggestions and specific shipping information,
click here: TCVdonations

Emails home from Dharamsala, India, fall, 2002: India2002

Emails home From Nepal and Tibet, 2003:

To see some artwork from these trips go to: artasia2005

In October, 2005 Susan Stephenson of the Michael Olaf Montessori Company was a guest at the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Tibetan Chidlren's Village. For a report, go to: TCV2005


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